
How do you get dual citizenship?

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Specifically, if you wanted to be a citizen of both Canada and USA. I thought that when people have dual citizenship, they eventually have to choose one and give the other up. But, it seems some people can keep having dual citizenship. How can I get dual citizenship?




  1. If you are American and can automatically receive Canadian citizenship, through a birthright claim (born in Canada to American parents), you can hold dual citizenship.

    However, if you apply for citizenship you could possibly lose USA citizenship. The US recognizes dual citizenship exists, but does not endorse or recommend it.  

  2. You go ahead and apply for citizenship for the other country.  For example, if you're a US citizen, you move to Canada and do what you need to do to be eligible for Canadian citizenship, and then apply for it.  

    No, you do not have to give one up.

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