
How do you get faster?

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i need drills please!




  1. TRAINING!!!!

  2. Following are three articles I wrote on this very subject (posted on my website).

    Increased Speed

    Defined: rapidity in moving, going, traveling, proceeding, or performing; swiftness; celerity.

    When someone mentions "speed" most people interpret this as how fast something is going. For martial arts however, it can be viewed not only as "how fast" but "how swift" as well.

    Consider this: Speed is a function of power and coordination. The more power you can generate to propel you forward the faster you will move from point A to point B.

    Now consider that being swift is being capable of moving with great speed or velocity.

    So, yes you will increase your speed with martial arts because you will gain power. But more importantly, you will become swift. You will find not only the power and ability to perform new techniques, but through repeated practice and drilling you will become more swift.

    Suddenly doing every day tasks seem easier. The vacuum cleaner becomes lighter, and you move it faster. Heavy doors are no longer a burden, the full gallon of milk isn't as hard to pour, you climb stairs faster and aren't out of breath. Life just gets a little bit easier.


    Increased Agility

    Defined: the power of moving quickly and easily; nimbleness: exercises demanding agility.

    Many types of martial arts incorporate training and drills that focus not only on increasing stamina and strength, but also agility. Once a technique is learned, it is safe to say that it is useless unless the practicioner can perform it easily, quickly, and effectively.

    This requires agility.

    Imagine you just learned a blocking technique and now you are sparring. Your opponent throws a typical jab at you. Now, unless you can proficiently perform your block, and do so quickly enough to catch the jab, you will be hit. This is just one small example of many that demonstrate the need for agility in the martial arts.

    Each time a technique is learned, it is practiced over and over. There are two main reasons for this amount of repitition. One is to have the technique committed to a subconscious level so that it can be performed without thought, and the other is to perfect it. This level of repetition also has another benefit which is increased agility.

    In addition to increasing agility through repetition of techniques, many martial arts focus on movement of the body. More specifically, footwork, avoidance drills, and body positioning. Fighting arts require an understanding of balance, angles, and positioning to gain a dominant position in which to fight and getting to your dominant position requires agility.

    And lastly--a very important part:

    Increased Endurance

    Defined: the ability or strength to continue or last, esp. despite fatigue, stress, or other adverse conditions; stamina: He has amazing physical endurance.

    Almost synomous with increasing stamina is the practice of increasing endurance.

    Without proper endurance conditioning, even the best athletes will fail.

    Endurance is attributed to an athletes VO2 max which is the highest rate of oxygen consumption attainable during maximal or exhaustive exercise. Elite athletes have a higher VO2 max, and it is commonly thought, that this threshold is genetically determined. However, with proper training, it is considered possible to increase an untrained athlete's VO2 max by as much as 20%.

    Other factors affecting endurance is:

    Lactate Threshold: If VO2 max can be seen as an upper limit for aerobic exercise, the lacate threshold determines how much of that 'aerobic' upper limit can be used.

    Exercise Economy: The speed at which an exercising athlete reaches their maximum thresholds, usu. affected by stride, stroke, speed, etc.

    High endurance allows fighters to perform more effectively over longer periods of time. This ability for increased and prolonged performance can translate into other sports as well. Martial artist are well known for for thier physical abilities. Sustained and effective training can increase an athletes endurance, which allows for better performances both in and out of martial arts.

    Hope this helps!


  3. Control your breathing. Run up hills and do long jogs for 30 minutes non stop.
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