
How do you get fit to play prop forward?

by  |  earlier

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im 14 and going into 15s season in august




  1. do alot of off season weights. increase weights but less beat, on season less weight increase beat

  2. ive been sharing this website with a lot of people recently- like the last couple of days!  beware though- i think theres a warning saying that its for people over the age of 16... may want to check with your coach or personal trainer to modify the program if needed.

    its really cool because it looks at psotion and experience, as well as where you are in the season.

  3. Paddy,

    USA RUGBY has a very good exercise routine for strength and the circuits they have created are good for your cardio and endurance...

    Check it out at and click on the 'rugby fitness' link and then 'training plans.' In there (after agreeing to the waiver) you will find several links to get in shape. Scroll down to find the links, print them out and then comes the hard part... getting yourself in the gym!

    Best of Luck!

  4. Lots and lots of pies and beer.

    But seriously; general stamina work is a must, upper body strength (and i mean big upper body strength, lower body strength (again i mean big), also make sure you know how to throw your opponent off in the scrum. That will only come with experience though.

  5. listen props don't have to be big and and fat like people think u should be muscly and able to carry you weight visit this sight for more.

  6. big blok people porp like me i just have to run it to a person they fall down! lol  big not saying like fat just big storng

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