
How do you get forklift certified? Bakersfied Ca?

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How do you get forklift certified? Bakersfied Ca?




  1. Check with a forklift dealer, he may know. They have started that since I worked as a operator. Check also with OSHA, it sound like something that they would have had passed to protect the workers. and check with any vocation school too.

  2. Take it to the suply store u got it from and ask.There is a small fee.

  3. Contrary to popular belief, you can certify your own employees to operate a forklift.  OSHA just requires that the person doing the certifying is someone "who has the knowledge, training, and experience to train powered industrial truck operators and evaluate their competence."

    -29 CFR 1910.178(l)(2)(iii)

    If you have a senior guy on site with forklift experience, he can train the others, provided the training meets the requirements of 1910.178.  (

    You can get a complete forklift safety certification program, which includes the written program, training, and certification materials at:

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