
How do you get hospitals to write off bill?

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I have been recently hospitalized twice for depression. Unfortunatley, my insurance pays very little for psychiatric care. How do I successfully get the hospital to accept just what my insurance pays. I will owe about $6000 myself. I cannot afford it. Any advice would be appreciated.




  1. Well, you ask them to.  But they probably won't do it.  They'll probably sell the debt to a collection agency.

  2. I work for a large hospital system.

    Most hospitals have charity care programs set up and have resources on other programs you can apply to for assistance on your medical bils.

    Its important to ask about these programs and be up front with the hospital if you can't afford to pay your balance.  You may have to provide some information (such as household income, etc) to prove that you're eligible for the programs.

    And, of course, you may still owe a balance even after they give you a charity discount.  However, you should be able to negotiate a payment plan with them after that.  (Be forewarned that if you negotiate a payment plan and don't pay, they will put you in collections instantly for not following the plan.)

    Whatever you do, don't just ignore the bill and hope it will go away.  The hospital will send you to collections right away if you just don't bother to respond.

  3. Unfortunately hospital makes you pay but just pay as much as you can and they will accept it.

    You have to pay if not your credit will be ......

  4. I worked in hospitals for years.  They are notorious for turning people over to collections very quickly.

    The bill is going to have to be paid.  You admit you got treatment, and that isn't free.  You might get them to work with you on a payment schedule, but even with that they are entitled to demand the full amount owed at any time.

  5. Give them a call. Most hospitals are good about letting you set up a payment plan. Even 50 per month will keep it from going to collections and hurting your credit.

  6. Call the hospital and explain your circumstances.  Ask if they have any programs that can help.  Many hospitals have a charitable trust set up just for this purpose.  Offer to pay what you can, even $5 - 10 a month will show your willingness to accept the situation.  Whatever you do, just don't not do anything...the hospital will report it to a credit reporting agency and probably turn it over to a collection agency.

  7. As long as you pay even $5.00 per month, your account will not go into default.

  8. Next time tell them you are broke when you walk in the door and they probably won't even send you a bill in the first place (but don't lie and say you are broke if you aren't because if you get caught lying you will probably get in trouble).

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