
How do you get into a creative mood?

by  |  earlier

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What do you do to get yourself into the zone where you start creating things? Especially when you have artist's (or writer's, or musician's, or whatever's) block?




  1. what i do sometimes is spread all my collection of art materials in front of me, pencils/pens, paints, paintbrushes etc. with whatever i'm working on, this helps me with ideas and gets me excited with the prospect of what i can do with all this stuff, also some relaxing music and thinking about the reward of the finished piece. good luck =]

  2. Don't force it, find something else to do for awhile. it will come back:)

    ~If you have to force yourself to do something that you usually love to do you are running the risk of losing your love for it.~ I love to draw and paint, but then I started getting a lot of clients and I started hating my art, because I HAD to do it. I stopped drawing for 2 yrs. Now I do what I want when I feel like it, and if I take on a new client I make sure that they understand that first.

  3. All I need to do is go to my local supply store and I can't wait to get home to begin my project.

  4. Been there. . . am there. . . . trying to escape there myself. . . .

    1.  try a new medium

    2.  work on something you have put aside as not going well . . . one of mine just got acceped in an international juried art show!

    3.  try a new subject matter

    4.  set a time limit to do the impossible. . . .it will distract you and you WILL create!

    5.  look at art . . . online, in the museum, in books

    6.  read art books and magazines

    7.  watch good films

    8.  get out and see. . . take your camera.  Look at everything to see the art in it.

    9.  take a challenge . . . self-portrait, landscape, anything.  Let someone else challenge you.

    10.  look through old photographs. . . . oh my, how many of those have inspired my next painting!

    Good luck!  I took a challenge of doing 5 miniature pastels in a day for a demonstration at the fair this year.  I finished 3 old paintings i thought were c**p.  And I am taking a workshop in 6 weeks to do plein air pastel on the Outer Banks.  Woo hoo!

  5. I usually listen to some music, read or watch a movie it tends to help get the creative juices flowing i think.  

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