
How do you get into homeschooling for your kids?

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With all the drama in schools today I think it would be best.




  1. Before making the decision, you should do a lot or research. Find out if the schools in your area are drama magnets. They might be pretty good schools. With that said...

    Find a home school group in your are. Go to the bookstore or library and check out books like The Home Schooling Handbook by Mary Griffith, or any other book on the topic.

    Research, research, research...

    How old are your kids?

    You will need to think about the laws in the area, the curriculum you will use, what type of outside resources you will use, enrichment programs, etc...

    Many of those things can be address by a home school group.

    Some groups have weekly meetings, play dates, dances for older kids, field trips, sports programs, etc...

    Well, I need to gather this weeks school stuff, so I should go!

    Good Luck! is a great first place to start...

  2. There is an organisation called Education Otherwise or EO. My friend went there a few years back when she was homeschooled and they did things like trips to london museums, all very educational. and they should also be able to gve you all the info you need on homeschooling.


  3. What state are you in? You can do a search including your state so you can get the specific laws. There is alot of info out there about homeschooling and I am amazed at the things you can find to help with the work and everything. Local support groups are great! They can tell you what you can't read on line like where to get a good deal on books, where they can meet with other kids,etc. When you find a homeschool site you will probably find the info about local groups there as well. I took mine out this year because of bullies and they love it. I hope it all works out for you. How old is your child by the way? I have a 2 year 8 month old that I teach at home as well. It is very easy for me to teach young kids so I am hoping it passes over to my bigger ones that are now home too. Good luck.

  4. First, join a local support group, they should point you in the right direction.

    Also, read "The Teenage Liberation Handbook" by Grace Llewelyn.  It's great for parents as well as teens.  And John Holt wrote a lot of great books too.

    Best of luck to you :D

  5. Grade and age appropriate educational materials are available at the public library and or local book store(s). Each state has age and grade specific requirements.  Go over the materials.  Determine your ability to manage course(s).

    Most students learn best in a one to one teacher student ratio.  Parents have the greatest interest in a child's education.

  6. you could try online courses

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