
How do you get involved with PETA?

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I was just wondering...




  1. if we are to follow precedents, you could:

    firebomb a research lab

    vandalize vehicles

    protest and parade around naked naked

    sent lot sof money

    be a has been actress whose best claim to fame is a private porno vid

    harass kids coming home from school

    kill animals minutes after being left behind by their owners you decieved into thinking you will take care of their pets

    If you do those things, it is likely that PETA will contact you and finance and lend logistical support for your activities. They have done so in the past, are doing it now and will continue to do so in the future.. don't take my word for it. follow the links for reference

    Or you could ne a memebre thorugh theri website. pay your $16 a year membership and you can kill all teh aninals youw ant and they couln't care less as long as you renew your membership (with anotehr $16)next year

  2. please for the sake of the universe DONT, theyre like ecoterrorists except with animals. they are radical and have extremely leftist hippy ideals

    im in the cool PETA. im a person eating a tastey animal lol.

    and since u posted a question about joining PETA i will go hunting tomorrow so any animal i kill is because of u

  3. Yeah! You tell them, CUCUMBER!.......cuz they really care what you say. I think it's quite funny to watch the videos that peta posts on the internet. You know? The ones of seals getting wacked haha. And oh yeah, you do want other peoples opinions, other wise you would have had the brains to use GOOGLE. Not this opinion-infested site.

  4. dont just eat meat

  5. I am a vegetarian, and trust me when I say, don't get involved with PETA. They're far too radical. I mean, I believe eating meat is wrong, but if meat eaters want to do it, I'm not going to stop them. PETA forces their beliefs onto people and creates a negative stereotype for vegetarians and vegans.

    But, if you don't believe me, just go to their website and sign up for their newsletter.

  6. Visit this spin-off of their main website:

    There are many ideas for getting in action and participating with  PETA. Sign up, find people in your city with PETA and get together with them, or maintain your own events (small or large) for PETA.

  7. Own a hundred cats.  Forty dogs.  Random or exotic pets.

  8. go to their website and inform yourself.

    good luck, good idea.

  9. go to ther ya go!! simple as that and you can get free stuff after you sign up and you could join the street team and eeeew my chihuahua just farted and it smells horrible!

  10. Just state that you are a member and join on their website.

  11. please dont

  12. Go to their website and it'll probably tell you.

  13. I suggest you do more research before deciding you want to join PETA. Most people that join PETA don't know what the organization's goal is: extinction of all domestic animals (livestock, pets, etc.).

    They say they have the best interest of the animals in mind, but I don't believe it. Although I have no proof of it, I would suspect that many of their "under-cover videos" are even staged, which is sad.

    PETA kills animals:

    They also have the goal of making all domestic animals extinct. They don't want people to have pets. Or service dogs. Etc.

    Some suggested reading about PETA:

    I also could never NEVER support a group that intentionally inflicts psychological damage to children and tries to get to the parents by USING the children and attempting to make the children fearful of their own parents. They have handed out the following comics to children:

    You Mommy Kills Animals -

    Your Daddy Kills Animals -

    I don't have all the information handy, but at one point a year or so ago, I decided to read through the PETA site. What I found was a wealth of mis-information and information skewed to support their "cause".

    Here's a video that shows their hypocrisies:

    (Disclaimer: the guys narrating the video use some strong language, if that offends you, don't want it.)

    In short, they are a destructive group that go about things completely the wrong way. They "protest" by interfering with others in ways that should not be done.

    * They disrupted VS fashion show a couple years ago:

    * Although they have discontinued the practice, they used to attack people with spray-paint that were wearing fur coats. (Their website now says "if you have a fur coat, donate it to a homeless person.")

    (There are numerous other examples, you can do a search on the internet and find them.)

    I love animals. I love my pets. Which is why I believe in ANIMAL WELFARE, not animal rights.

    === ===

    I just want you to be able to make an *informed* decision about this. If you still choose to join PETA, all the information is available at their website. I think to officially be a PETA member, you have to donate a certain amount of money to them each year.


  14. If you go on their website, you can indicate what city/town you live in, and get on their mailing lists.  They will let you know anytime an event or demonstration is going on in your area so that you can participate.  You need not be a member to get on this mailing address...but you should.  It's only $15 or $25 to join, and if you have the money, I think it's important to contribute.

  15. get involved in your community. you can join online! go to for more information! it is a great organization that i am a member of

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