
How do you get melted ,hardened candle wax out of a short pile carpet,ive tried everything and nothing works!

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How do you get melted ,hardened candle wax out of a short pile carpet,ive tried everything and nothing works!




  1. Lisa lay soft cotton rag on top of wax on carpet, set your iorn on low heat, and place on rag above wax, this will create wicking effect and draw wax from carpet.

    Good Lucltop of cotton  

  2. Use a brown paper bag,put it over the wax.  Use a hot iron on top of the paper bag.  The wax will melt into the paper bag.  

  3. Place 4 paper towels on the spot, make sure they are good absorbent kind.  Then place a warm, not too hot, iron on them, let this sit for awile, the wax will absorb into the paper towels, you may need to get more paper towels and repeat this process.  Be patient, the key is not getting your iron too hot and giving it time, every now and then press down hard on the iron to get down deep into the pile. :-)  

  4. Use a hot iron, no steam.  Warm the wax, dab with paper towels (wear a glove) and repeat.  

  5. I have personally used the blowdryer method. Heat the wax up and scrub with an old rag/towel you are willing to throw away. Depending on how dark the wax is, you may not be able to tell it happened. It has always worked really well for me. Just keeping the blowdryer on it and scrub like crazy until you get all the wax out.

  6. The person above has got the answer.  I read this advise on here before and tried it when my hubby knocked a melted candle all over our new carper.  It worked completely.  Good luck.

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