
How do you get music for a computer to a BlackBerry phone?

by  |  earlier

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  1. send it to yourself on an email and download it off of your email by checking it on your phone

  2. Wow. That answer above me is funny.

    Anyway, don't email it to yourself. Not only will it takes hours, but you can't save an MP3.

    First off, you will need to get a Memory Card. If you don't already have a Micro SD Card, don't bother reading on. It will just tie up your phone and make it very sllloooowww. If you do have one, plug in your BB to your Computer. The computer should make the fun "blup-beep" noise inicating a sucessfull connection. Once it loads, format your SD card via the "My Computer" tab. Once its formatted, you can simply just copy and paste music files onto your Micro SD card.

    Another way is to go into Desktop Manager and load it via the Media file.

    One last thing. Not to sound like a complete a**, but this question gets asked 3 times a day. I just did a simple search of "Transfer MP3s to Blackberry" under the "discover" tab, and I got 10+ pages with this same answer.

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