
How do you get nail polish out of fabrics?

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I just spilled nail polish all over my $200 bed sheets!!!

Nail polish remover does not work!


What can I do to get it out?





  1. Nail polish remover takes the polish off your nails, doesn’t it? It will work on most nail polish stains, whether on clothing or furniture. Apply the nail polish remover to the stain and then lightly blot the stain. Apply detergent and warm water to make sure that you have removed the stain completely and then wash as usual with your detergent. You may have to apply the nail polish remover and blot several times to remove all of the nail polish stain. Do not give up!

    If the stain remains after you have tried using nail polish remover, then you may want to try a mixture of hydrogen peroxide and water. Use a 50-50 mixture of hydrogen peroxide and water and apply it to the stain. Let the fabric sit in the sun for a few hours for maximum effectiveness and keep it moistened with the hydrogen peroxide and water mixture.

    This method should be used only on white clothes or colorfast clothes. Always test in an inconspicuous area to make sure it will not harm your fabric.

    I hope you get it all out! <3 :)

  2. Soak in warm water.

  3. Someone already mentioned acitone.  Maybe wait a few days & see if it will chip off or maybe take it to the dry cleaners.  My daughter spilled nail polish all over the carpet & I had to give the carpet a trim, but that won't work w/ sheets.  Good luck!!  That's some expensive sheets & probably worth it to take to the cleaners?

  4. Try both acetone and non-acetone nail polish (depending on the one you already used).

    If that doesn't work, try...

    Goof Off, rubbing alcohol, hair spray, shaving cream, brake fluid cleaner, or hydrogen peroxide

  5. acetone is the strongest polish remover.  If that doesn't work try a pair of scissors.    LOL

  6. errrrrrrrrrrrr try acitone (the strongest nailpolish romever) if that dosent work idk

    see ya wouldnt want to be ya

  7. is a nail polish remover.  But you then also risk bleaching out the fabric.

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