
How do you get noticed by the coaches when......?

by  |  earlier

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the coaches are drooling over the best players on the team and when there pretty much don't care about the other players. i started on JV but when i go varsity, they don't even give me a chance to show what i can provide. help?




  1. gaurd the best players and dont think about ur teammaetes lol no jk ok look dont share the ball that much take some open shots so the coach knows that u arnt afraid to take shots and do lots of help defense

  2. i know how u feel... coaches can be rough n hard to understand but.....

    try 2 out work them by like diving on the floor n work really hard so that in practice this season they will notice u n give u that chance....

    also... have u tried tlkin 2 da coaches? i know dat seems girly n like who eva wld do dat but it works..... trust me coaches love it when their players open up 2 them... its makes them feel like they r truly building a connection with the kids they coach...

    im not saying 2 suck up to the coach but let him hear u out.... just dont have an attidue n dont insult the way he coaches....

    Good luck im sure youll b a starter this season

  3. i usually wear a really tight shot skirt...that always gets the coaches attention

  4. Volunteer to guard the best player on the team in practice.  Whether you get torched or not, you WILL be noticed.

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