
How do you get other people to like you?

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Have you ever lied to impress someone? And if so, ever been caught?

Do you know anyone that's behaved badly in an effort to gain popularity?

Does it really matter to you what other people think of you?




  1. yes but never been caught --- then i grew up!!!

    yse i know lots of people the sad part is some of them are adults!

    depends on who the person is and what they think!

    i don't care what some random human says about what i wear!  but i care about what my friends and family say or maybe a stylist!

    is the source creditable to common on something i'm doing then i might consider it!  but if just someone who THINKS they are a creditable source i could care less what they say!

  2. Yes it matters to me what others think of me but I'm not going to lie just to impress them.

  3. I have never tried to impress somebody, I'm kind of a laid back kind of gal. It doesn't matter if they like me or they don't like me, it their opinion and hey, they're not the ones who are going to pay my bills are they? My ex-Best Friend in late middle school, became a total idiot near the end of the near. She started to ignore me, and put me down and hanging out with Pru and Tammi.

  4. JUST...BE...YOURSELF....Not who others want you to be.

  5. I do care that others like me or think well of me. I will tell white lies to avoid being tactless. I have not been caught.  

  6. Just by being my sweet and kind self. I take a geniune interest in other people. I offer assistance. I try to be considerate and thoughtful. This is who I am and who I want to be. No one is perfect so I do have a lower tolerance for those that are just rude and inconsiderate. Don't ask me a stupid question.

    edit: In order to be liked then you need to lie or try to impress people. I hate it when people do that. It's not impressive. It's not even believable. It doesn't make me want to be friends with that person. Maybe it works for some people.

  7. It should matter what people think about you. I dont mean, I want people to think Im popular, cool or a loser. I mean, you want to be known as a kind, sweet person, not a snob or a spoiled brat. Lying about who you are to impress people shouldnt be done, but changing into a better person is something you should do, if you need to.

    I dont know anyone who behaves badly to gain popularity but its very common. Peer presure is a big reason. Kids do drugs, drink and swear to be popular, and it makes sense, theyre going through that stage, but we all know it isnt right and we should try stoping it

  8. Show interes in them first, a genuine interest.

  9. You should just be yourself and if they don't like you thats their fault. BE YOURSELF

  10. be polite

  11. Like yourself first. Do stuff for yourself and people will be impressed on how much you have accomplished. You don't have to lie, or act stupid.  

  12. Stretched the truth a little bit a few times, no

    Yes, not me.

    Absolutely not.  

  13. yes. yes.

    yes. (sometimes it worked)

    yes(even though i like to pretend it doesn't)

  14. I don't really like most people. Therefor I don't really care if they like me.

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