
How do you get out of being drafted by the military?

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like if i have asthma or something




  1. Where do you live...there isn't a draft in the United States...we have an all volunteer military service here.


  2. there is no draft, and if there were one, you could break a bone, move to Canada, or go to college.

  3. If you are an American there is no draft.

  4. You persist in worrying too much. It must be a by-product of all the war fever out there today. If anything gain some pride and protest against that which you resist so vehemently  

  5. Just mind your own business. There is no draft as long as democrats are kept out of office.  

  6. why do you not want to serve your country...dont you feel proud of being an american...dont you feel that you should serve the country you live in...

  7. Smoke a fat one, fail the drug test.

  8. There is no draft... if there is one kiss some guys... they dont like g*y people...

  9. Don't call them back.

  10. Ronald Reagan abolished the draft.

  11. Well there isn't going to be any draft for the military in the near future.  Get a swastika on your neck and multiple tatoo's stating that your g*y.  If you do that you won't be drafted.

    Nitris - If you do it as part of an overall g*y-Pride mural on one side of the neck and swastikas on the other - that way you go to a different artist and lay on that side of your neck so they won't see it when they do the other. haha

  12. There is no draft, so the question is moot.

    Of course, if there was a draft you could do what Slick Willy did back in the 60s. Go to college in England and then not come back to the States until the war is over.

  13. The middle finger

  14. You don't get out of the draft.  You might be excused from serving if you have certain medical conditions, but these conditions need to be proven, not just claimed.

  15. Grow some balls and do it anyway?

    Sounds good to me :)

    We do not have a draft. Reagan abolished it.  However, we do have recruiters that call people asking if they'd be interested in it.  Not telling them that if they do not do it they'll basically be s.o.l.

    Instead, we have brave men and women, sacrificing their lives to protect our rights and way of life...

  16. If you are worried about being drafted, don't be.  I'm not crazy about women fighting on the front lines, but the fact that they do has pretty much done away with the need for the draft.

    If it comes down to it, shoot yourself in the foot, or dress in drag and sing show tunes when you report for duty.

    Roarman -

    Swastikas and g*y pride rainbows?  On the same neck?  Is there a tattoo artist who will do that :-)?

  17. The draft went out with Vietnam so your good.

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