
How do you get out of the pit on the infernal machine level in Indiana Jones and the Infernal Machine.?

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How do you get out of the pit on the infernal machine level in Indiana Jones and the Infernal Machine.?




  1. Walk to the pit and climb the ladder down. Walk to the ledge overlooking the

    next room. On the left end of the ledge you can get a medical kit, a first aid

    kit and bazooka rockets. Climb down the ladder into the room. As you walk

    toward the opposite end, three robots attack. You might get all three with one

    bazooka rocket. Cross the room and climb the stairs toward the giant face. The

    floor in front of it is an elevator. Step on it to activate it then do a quick

    roll backwards. After it rises jump into the pit underneath. Push the gold

    button there. Climb out of the pit and walk down the ramp you just lowered.

    Push the button by the door. Watch the animation. When it's over and Turner

    disappears, another guard machine appears, hang and drop from the right side

    of the platform into some water. With your back to the end of the passage full

    of water, climb out on the left into a doorway. Jump to the floor below, cross

    the room and climb up into a hallway. There's a trap shooting electricity into

    the hallway ahead. Watch for a few seconds to memorize the pattern then run

    across the platforms to a room at the end. Take Nub's Part from the pedestal

    and turn off the electrical current. It seems Turner put the wrong part on the

    pedestal. It should have been Urgon's part. Come back here when you find it.

    Take the two treasures in the room. Jump back across the platforms to the

    round pit-like room you were in just before climbing up into the hallway where

    the trapped platforms were. here are two doors on the opposite side of the

    room. The one you came through from the water is on the right. You can see

    blue reflected through it. Climb up to the other door. The one on the left. Go

    down the narrow hallway, push the button, draw your weapon and shoot the giant

    bug on the other side. Jump into the beam and swim up. The controls are the

    same as swimming in water. Stay in the center of the bean and avoid the

    platforms. If you hit one you fall to the bottom of the light shaft and are

    killed. On a ledge near the top you will see a  robot. Go to the platform left

    of it. Approach from above it and swim down. You'll drop right on the edge.

    Climb the ladder and walk to a hole in the floor. Climb down one of the

    ladders and find Azerim's part. Turn around and walk to the end of the

    corridor. Turn right and face the wall. It's a ladder. Climb on the ladder,

    then go left and down to the bottom of the shaft. Get the golden idol. Climb

    the ladder back up to the corridor then climb the ladder next to where you

    found the machine part. At the top Indy needs to get to the ledge in the

    doorway facing the shaft, between the two ladders. It's tough, just take time

    getting lined up. Once there use the whip to cross to the other side of the

    shaft, push the button and go through the door. You're back with the floating

    robot things. Immediately jump from the doorway to the narrow platform ahead

    as the door only stays open a dozen or so seconds. You'll have to keep your

    eye out for robots all during the next sequence. Turn left and jump to the

    next. Keep going from platform to platform and shooting robots until you run

    out of platforms. At the last one run jump into the blue doorway. If you're

    having trouble overshooting the platforms because the jumps are short, try the

    forward roll again. jump from the blue doorway across to the next door. It

    opens automatically as you approach. Dive into the water, swim to the other

    end, climb out and go up the ladder. In the next room you discover Turner is 0

    for 3. Take Urgon's part from the pedestal and put Nub's Part there instead.

    Grab the two treasures in the room. To leave the room you must go over a set

    of rotating platforms. Just watch how they rotate and memorize the rhythm then

    jump to the first platform, run to the last and jump into the doorway at the

    end. The door opens automatically when you approach. Enter the room and step

    between two huge gears and an elevator carries you to the lowest level. At the

    bottom turn around and enter the room. Place Urgon's part on the pedestal. Go

    back to the elevator and press the button to go up one floor. Once there press

    the button again. Press the button a third time and go up one more floor. Now

    you're back with the floaters. Jump forward to the narrow platform, turn left

    and jump to the catwalk on the edge of the room. Walk down the catwalk and get

    the two treasures. At the end of the catwalk do a forward roll to the narrow

    platform. Turn left, face the doorway and get out the combat rifle. Indy

    should immediately point it at something. Shoot it. It's a huge bug. Run into

    the doorway. At the end of the corridor push the button to summon the

    elevator. Get on and push the button to go up one floor. Ready the combat

    rifle. Go through the doorway and confront Turner. After the animation and

    Turner disappears, draw the rifle and be ready for him to reappear on the

    right. If you can knock him down right now you won't get into a chase and

    shoot situation. Once he's down, take his ammo, first aid kit and the machine

    part. Walk around the perimeter of the room to a decorative tile and use

    Azerim's part to levitate up to the next floor. You'll probably have to

    confront two floaters and a huge bug here. Jump into a doorway in the center

    pillar. Take out Taklit's part and make Indy invisible. Step to the platform

    just inside the door and make forward rolls across the platforms to get to the

    button. Push the button to turn off the lightning ball. Still standing by the

    button, use Azerim's part to go up to the next level. Jump out of the beam and

    walk around the room and go up to a pedestal with Marduk's head on it. After

    Marduk has his say pick up the head and put Azerim's Part on the pedestal. The

    crystal with Sophia lowers and a door opens in your chamber. Turn around and

    walk through the door. Have Indy's lighter out so you can spot the crawl space

    just inside the door on the right. Crawl in and get the two treasures. Go back

    out to the corridor and continue. In the next room the floor descends as you

    step on it. It stops in front of the robot. Go through the door right of the

    robot and climb the ladder. Walk down the hallway to a hole and climb the

    ladder down. Place the Marduk head on the robot. Return to the elevator in the

    center of the shaft and walk into the niche where the robot was standing when

    you put the head on. Get the silver idol. Walk up behind Marduk and climb the

    ledge on the right. Be ready for floaters. Go to the engine control panel.

    It's on the right side of the platform that leads out to Sophia who's inside

    the crystal. Use Taklit's part on it then move the levers.

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