
How do you get out the stains in the armpits of your clothes?

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My sister has a ton of adorable clothes, but most of the whites have huge pit stains in them, from deodorant. Is there a way to get them out, so she can still wear the clothes? There's also a few darker shirts with the same problem. Any advice?

Thank you!




  1. Wet the area with cold water, then apply Hydrogen Peroxide before for me  

  2. wash every day and put deodorant on and you will not have this problem anymore.

  3. fill up the sink with hot water, mix a little bleach and water in a cup and add a little soap to a tooth brush and scrub til you can't scrub no throw the shirt(s) in the washer and this time you want to wash in warm water with soap and after you dry it, it should be good to go..IT WORKS FOR ME


  4. DAWN rud the stain with it and let it sit then soak it in warm water.

  5. Stain remover. Like OxiClean

  6. If there white, use clorox. clorox colors for..well you know. that should get rid of them....

  7. I'd just scrub them really hard and send them through a standard run of the washing machine.

  8. A laundry machine

    maybe tide to go...that thing works miracles, but be careful, i have no idea how it works with different materials and colors.

  9. I soaked mine in a strong solution of OxyClean.  It worked well even on old stains.

    To avoid them in the future, launder your whites/pastels the minute you take them off for the day.  I used to throw mine in the hamper waiting for a full load of clothes but when I learned that washing them right away will keep the stains away I now at least handwash them in Woolite if I can't put them in the washer.  No more stains  :)

  10. you put it in the washing machine.

  11. I like totally had the same problem....All of my colored and black tops had these big killer white stains under the pits, but here's what to do:

    1) Get some oxyclean

    2) Wet the pits of the shirts

    3) Put half a scoop of oxyclean on one of the stains

    4) Rub the pits of the shirts together until the oxyclean turns into a paste.

    5) Let sit for about 15 minutes

    6) Wash shirts as usual

    If you don't have time to do all of those steps, just get a bucket and fill it half way with warm water, toss all of the shirts in there and add 1-2 scoops of oxyclean in there and let them soak for about 30 minutes and them wash them as usual. I guarantee it'll work!

  12. wash

  13. In the past, I have directly put detergent on the stains and let them sit until I get time to wash. Other than that, you may just have to get new shirts if they don't wash out properly. 1

  14. I soaked mine in 1/2 cup oxiclean disolved in a bucket of warm water for two days

    All the pit stains came out even on colored clothing

    Refresh the oxiclean and water each day

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