
How do you get over a breakup?

by  |  earlier

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& What were the hardest part you had to go through?

Explain and also whats your sign?




  1. just bite your teeth and wait it through--give it 3 days.....if by then you're still in pain, then look to some meds

    i have heavy scorpio influences, so i'm very much about biting the bullet and braving the PAINNNNNNNN the PAIN, THE PAIN (OH GOD, IT'S SO GOOD, DON'T LET IT STOP, SO SO GOOD)

  2. realize that human beings are not meant to be monogamous, which is against what society wants us to be...

    not to say i dont miss people or feel hurt...but the reality is...i dont believe that there is just one person for everybody, i believe everybody is a respectful manner of course...


  3. One nail drives out another is an old Spanish saying.

    Time, though sometimes excessively slow and painful, is the tried and true solution.

    I'm Aries.

  4. I had a bad break up that left me devastated!

    The hardest part was not being able to talk to him like I did before---he was my best friend and we talked every day---whenever something was upsetting he was the first person I would call and now I didn't have that!  That was the worse I think.

    To get over it I just had to be honest and see things for what they really were.  I thought of all of the things that I really didn't like about him and used this to help me see how much better off I am that I am no longer having to "deal" with these things.

    I also started over- new friends, new hobbies, new outlook.  Forward thinking and goal planning instead of dwelling in the past (which is a grand waste of your time).

    I am a Sadge with a Leo Moon and a Gemini Ascendant---but it was my Mars and Venus in Scorpio that had me hanging on no doubt.  

    When I truly let go I felt sooooo much better!  I am back to being a happy person and enjoying life;-)

    Hope that helps you!!

    Good luck!!!

  5. The only break-up that wasn't initiated by me is the one that has stayed with me. Even though it has been 13 years, and I am happily married to someone else, I can still recall the sadness and a part of me will always grieve the loss.  He was the only other person I ever really loved. To get over it (rather, get on with life without him since I never have truly gotten over it completely) I just did what I had to do---if I needed to cry, I did. If I needed to lean on friends, I did. If I needed to isolate myself and experience the pain fully until I got tired of it, I did. The hardest part was beating the h**l out of myself. Why didn't he want me anymore? What did I do wrong? Why wasn't I good enough? If he loved me he would have stayed so that means he never did and it was all a lie! I wasted 3 years of my life for nothing....blah blah, it went on and on.  Try not to do that to yourself if you can help it. It doesn't do anyone a bit of good. Eventually I got tired of missing him and realized all the ways that he wasn't good enough for me, and then thought "What am I really missing?" If it was an ideal relationship and a love that was meant to last a lifetime, he would still be there. That was the conclusion I finally came to and I knew that one day the perfect match would come along....and he did. :)  

  6. time heals all wounds.. all breakups are hard.. you will get over it with time and patience..keep yourself busy and DO NOT keep dwelling on it or going over what happened.. everything happens for a reason..and it will become clear in time.. good luck to you.. there is someone special waiting for you.. let fate lead them to you..dont rush..

    i am LEO.. broke up with husband..aquarius after cheating!

  7. Never had a hard break up,we usually stay friends :D

    I had to tell the guy I don't like him.

    It hurt me so much I actually felt like crying.

    But I tried doing other things to cheer him up and make him feel better.We are ok now.

    Leo :D

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