
How do you get over an addiction?

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I need help.

It's nothing serious. not drugs or anything that risks of getting imprisoned lol.

I'm addicted to the following:


suspense thriller action-packed movies

pasta (i'm gaining weight!)

and someone (sigh) - this one needs the urgent help.




  1. I'm sorry, but from a psychological standpoint you have no idea what addiction is. You just need some self-esteem and a little self-control.

  2. Cold turkey is tough, mentally and physically.  Weaning oneself with diminishing dosage is also tough but more likely to succeed.  As far as the 'someone' -- well, maintaining an achievable distance, but healing the broken heart?  Time, distance and perseverance.  I've done it but had to find another nonperson passion.  In all cases, you know, you're not just fighting yourself but nature, too.

  3. First pure chocolate (cacao) is very healthy for you. I put some in hot water and add avave (natural sweetener from cactus). Sugar and milk are bad for you so find chocolate made with dried cane juice or something healthy.

    I have watched lots of those movies and they are entertaining. Refined wheat is terrible for you. But here is a secret. Go to the health food store instead of the fat and sick food store. Then get pasta made of  WHOLE GRAINS like brown rice, kamut, spelt or buckwheat and stay thin.

  4. alright there's a little thing we as humans have called self-control, wield it, and exercise it

  5. We all are addicted to something in some way, for me some of my addictions was fast food, we all have our own ways to cope in order to get over an addiction of any sort, what may work for one person may not work for the other, one of the most best ways to get over any addiction is start to believe in a higher power, start praying to God for help and believe he is there to help you, also AA is not just for alcoholics but also for anyone struggling with an addiction.

    For me the way I cope with my fast food addiction is the past two months I have seen how much money I can save just by staying away from fast food, I save about $400 every two weeks, now I tured everthing around and go to the soup kitchen and in the evenings snack on fruit instead of going to a fast food burger jojint.

    The $400 that I am saving every two weeks I am saving up for a trailer house, I eventually want my own place instead of renting a room from someone.

    You also have to have some sort of positive goal in mind to get over an addiction, like the money you spend on chocolates or thriller action movies, have a goal to instead save that money for something else.

    Heres to sum up what you need to do

    1. Believe in a higher power can help you overcome your addiction

    2.Have a positive goal in mind

    3.Remeber we all have our own way to cope with any addiction

    4. Go to an AA meeting becasue its not just for alcholic but anyone coping with some sort of addiction

  6. lol cause real addiction is a big funny joke. all those addicts and there destroyed families put a big smile on my face. i whish i was an addict!!!!

  7. with another addiction.

    Also if your self concious you should ask yourself if your happy with who you are if you arent truly happy then you need to work on that cause everyone should be happy with who they are.

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