
How do you get over being shy

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im quite shy when ever theirs someone i don't know i don't say anything if theirs a large group its the same even with my friends i feel that way sorta. How do i get over it.




  1. Imagine every one naked-lol-

    Teasing, public speaking classes may help.

  2. are you on any teams or clubs? try to become part of a group. It is OK to be shy.  you will never "get over it"... you need to trust yourself and build up your confidence and self esteem.  

  3. Wear lots of funny t shirts. People will talk to you and think you're awesome.

  4. just gonna have start trying to talk out more often. i mean its not gonna b instant. maybe try your closest friend first and really talk to them.

    try getting involved in maybe some more activities of things you are interested in so you can talk to people around you with common interest.

  5. being shy will get you no where. booze helps.

  6. Practice slowly getting over your fears, like talking to a cashier, asking for directions when you're in a mall, or answering questions in school.

  7. The below link has some great advise! Check it out

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