
How do you get over daydreaming too much and get back to your life?! Is it wrong to daydream?

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How do you get over daydreaming too much and get back to your life?! Is it wrong to daydream?




  1. there is a difference between daydreaming  , having dreams to look to and then there is dillutionary dreaming  reality will be in the way. reality is an illusion

  2. try to keep yourself busy. do something new, do really hard math in your head, anything to keep you from daydreaming. it works. i usedto daydream a lot too.

  3. no it is not wrong for daydreaming as long as you know your limits.

    one should accept  reality from fantasy

  4. daydreemin is not rong but if u wanna stop it den ave longa sleep

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