
How do you get over it?

by  |  earlier

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how do you get over the fact that people change and sometimes for the worst? Even though I just realized that my so called best friend has change. She acts like she doesn't have time for anyone, but her man. Not even time to come to our classmate's funeral.

How do you deal with not being able to hangout, talk, just be able to lean on someone who you have been friends with since you were little kids?

(we are only 19)




  1. This is just part of the "growing up" phase, this is normal.

    We all lose school friends and so on.

    Best way to make sure you can be seen to be contacted is use i would say

  2. this is when u need to stick with her the most support her tell her ur happy for her because she obviously likes this guy alot and when or if he breaks it of she will need u or a good friend to help her get over it this is when girls find out if thier friends r true friends send me an email if this helps

  3. Its good to give space to those who want or need it. Another friend or her will come by.  

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