
How do you get over putting a son and his family out to pasture persay cause the adults are doing drugs?

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How do you get over putting a son and his family out to pasture persay cause the adults are doing drugs?




  1. u shouldnt feel bad but i would have kept the kids

    this may be his wake up call

  2. There's no sense in letting them live with you so they can support their drug habits. You did the right thing. I would have kept the kids though. If they don't have anywhere to go and are using drugs they'll end up losing them and I wouldn't want any of my family in the foster care system.

  3. did you kick out your grown son and his family cause they were doing drugs?

    rock on!!! i would have taken the kids though as well. time to grow up and figure out what is more important in their lives.

    its not a black and white situation. but something needs to get thier attention. esspecially if they cant afford to live on thier own but they can afford to get high

  4. Sounds like you feel guilty.  Don't!!!  You made a smart move.  Remind your son that though you may love him dearly as you son, anyone living in your house must live by your rules and drugs are not allowed.  Offer to get him help to get over a drug addiction and if he agrees, stand by him in every way you can.  But if he refuses, then as an adult that is his choice and he will be on his own including being out of your house.  You mentioned also putting his family out but you didn't mention ages.  If there are children involved I would check about getting temporary custody or letting social services know what is going on so that the kids aren't growing up in that kind of environment.  Maybe that will open his eyes to his problem.  Good luck, God Bless

  5. Don't feel bad. Maybe it'll be their wake up call that they need to start being parents and grow up.

  6. did you kick out your grown son and his family cause they were doing drugs?

    rock on!!! i would have taken the kids though as well. time to grow up and figure out what is more important in their lives.

    its not a black and white situation. but something needs to get thier attention. esspecially if they cant afford to live on thier own but they can afford to get high.

  7. You are not helping them by supportind them. You just help them buy their drugs.  God bless you.

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