
How do you get over someone that you havent left yet?

by  |  earlier

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i have ben wit this guy for 2 1/2 yrs and we have a baby together. We fight all the time and we really don't get along anymore. I need help, stregnth...something that helps me through. I need to know i can do it on my own. I don't know what to do.




  1. 1 can you reconcile ? if not it is allup to you what do yhou fight about does one of you need tgo try and help more ect. if not wiomen have raised kids alone just fine so can you

  2. Try to find out why you guys are arguing so much. Do fun things with each other. Have a talk with him. Then if these things do not work, then leave.

    You guys have a baby together. It gets to me how the first thing people want to do is leave when they feel something is not working.  

  3. Time is the only thing that makes breakups less painful. If it doesn't work get out before it's to late. It's going to be even harder when you have two children together. Plenty of women make it on their own. He will still have to pay you child support. You and your baby deserve to live somewhere there is no fighting going on. All the fighting will do is teach your child that's the way people live, that's not right because you can find someone to love you that doesn't mistreat you or  the baby.

  4. Suggest Couple Counseling to him. I feel for you because I am in the same situation but with two kids, If it doesn't work yes you will have to do the right thing for you and your child!! You may even have to go to the Family courts and they will help, even your local Church will help you. If you are that unhappy no one deserves to live like this. I am also making a plan to leave my Boyfriend of 11 years, but You have to be financially set and have a good job to support your child.. Good luck!!

  5. You can certainly do it on your own. Many women do.  You will probably need him financially and to share some of the responsibility with the baby, but you shouldn't be in a relationship that you are unhappy. It's not good for you or the baby or him.

    I would sit down and talk to him, if he wants to work it out then I would seek counseling.

    It will be hard in the beginning, because you'll be alone, but it in the long run you'll be a lot happier.

  6. well u have to leave them 1st!!! duh

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