
How do you get over the death of your animals?

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I was just wondering because a lot of people handle it differently.




  1. Keep some pictures around. Like have one out in your family room and have one on your key chain. The more you see your pet, the easier you'll coupe with their loss. And if you do start feeling like there is something missing, get another one! You'll probably feel like there isnt anything that can replace your other pet, which is true, but at least the new one will take the pain away from you other one.

  2. Take them to a taxidermist and have them stuffed that way they are always there and you never have to let go completely  sure you cant make them fetch.. but you can walk then(if you add wheels) and you can pet them

  3. I don't ever really get over it. It still upsets me a bit when I think about my old dog I had while growing up that got hit by a car. I loved that dog as if it were a family member - which he was to me.

    For me I guess it depends on how well we bonded. I am more likely to get over my grief faster when I lose a hamster or pet mouse, probably because I know that we won't have many years together in the first place and I'm more prepared for it. I still grieve for them, just not as strongly.

    For my dogs, cats, ferrets and other animals I have had the strongest bonds with I keep scrap books and pictures around to remind me of them. It helps a bit to look back at those types of things after I lose a pet.

  4. I had a German Sheppard for 15 years and was devastated when she died. I dealt with it by remembering all the fun things we used to do together.

  5. Pet Semetery. :)

  6. i lost a dog a year ago he was 10 in people years and it was so hard we found a new dog and they act almost the ame i think of the happy things and i love my new one and i think that will help hope i can help it's hard to deal with stuff like that just try not to think about it :)

  7. Get some new ones :D

  8. similar to a person

    you get angry, you grieve, you mourn

    My 15 year old dog passed away 1 year ago, but I think bout him all the time

  9. I understand that it can be very tragic to loose someone/ something. But the best way, I believe, to deal with this problem is to cherish the memories you and your pet shared together, focus on something else, or buy a new one. These are a few different ways people cope with the death of a pet =)

  10. It is really hard. I have alot of animals that keep dying. You just try to remember them in a good way and be happy that they are not in pain any more.

  11. I had a cat only a year.  The minute I saw this cat I knew he was MY CAT.  I was so afraid something would happen to it that I kept him in a cage in the back yard for almost a month.  I had to let him go.  He was not happy in that cage.  Finally the day came when I took a risk and let him explore the world.  It worked out alright.  Soon, going out became an everyday occurance, but I worried about him everytime.  I always kissed him when he left and was so very grateful when he returned.  I loved him so.  I have never had an animal I loved as much.  We named him Spidie.  Well, the day came when he did not come home.  They two days, four days, six day, eight days . . . on the 10th day he came home.  I was elated, he ran in the house, but I knew something was wrong.  This car had a broken pelvic and tailbone.  His desire to get home was so strong that even with those injuries he made it.  Usually with those type of injuries a cat will find somewhere to die.  But not my Spidie.  He wanted to be with me.  I didn't realize the extent of the damage until I took him to the vet.  Spidie was so scared.  He hid in my arms, trying to burrow himself.  I didn't know what to do.  The vet said euthenize him, or keep him in a cage the rest of his life.  It all happened so quickly.  I didn't want him to suffer, and I knew how unhappy he was in that cage.  I pushed Spidie towards them and it was over.  The needle was ready.   I never knew a cat like this.  He loved me as much as I loved him.  I'll never forget just prior to going to the vet I was holding him and he licked my lip, like he kissed me.  I miss him so much.  I only had this cat a year, but what he meant the world to me, I was happy to come home.  I would say to myself "time to go see Spidie" - the only consulation I have is that he knew a good short life.  He was loved.  I wanted him near me so I buried him in the backyard with two solor lamps on either side of a stone which state "Cats leave paw prints on your heart."  I also hung a rod iron red heart on a shepards hook.  Sorry this is so long, but I guess this is how you get over it.  Share grief, memories, cry (as I am), tell someone who you think will listen and validate your feelings.   I am not one to get another animal right away.  To loose another would surely take the rest of my heart.  This may see melodramtic, but I sincerely loved that cat, a love I hadn't known in quite some time.  Thanks for listening.

  12. It's hard but always cherish them in your memories.

  13. i buy the same type of animal i had lost, and name it the samething and just try to forget it ever happend, might sound weird but it works for me

  14. Their are different ways, you could 4 get about it. If u want 2 could get a new 1. Or start focusing on something else. when my cat died i was very unhappy and got a new he may never replace him but im doing well with this new cat :)  

  15. well everytime i think about my dogs that died i cry.

    but now i realise that crying is good.

    it makes you forget about that.

    all your feelings get out and that's good  

  16. inok

  17. Double your next pets and if you can handle the oddness, go to a taxidermist so that they can preserve your pet for you. You get to see you pet everyday! Forever! Yay! Depends on your pet though... you can't preserve a pony or goldfish. :(

  18. I had  a weiner dog who has been with me for most of my life but he just died one day and what helped me get over it was loving Friends and Family kept they supporting me through it but I realized I can only get past it if I want to.

  19. you go straight to the pet store and buy another one

  20. Time doesn't completely heal the wound but the feelings won't be as strong the more time that passes.  It helps to talk about funny stories and good memories.

  21. Everybody grieves differently. Some are able to let them go right away, with others, it takes much longer.

    The people that choose not to let go will usually keep their pet in a material state, such as having them stuffed/preserved, or made into objects like diamonds, or will have their fur made into clothing, etc.

    And some people will go to the extremes of cloning their pets which is obviously very controversial.

  22. I have had 5 hamsters in the past, and they have all dies somehow. The way I got over it was to maybe look at picture I had taken or to think about something completly different. Like a holiday or school. I hope this help and GOOD LUCK!

    Rachel x*x

  23. I go on with my life and do not cry because like people say life must go on or you try to forget your pet.I no it so hard to forget your lovely pet because you love it so much but you have to try right.

  24. I talk about it a lot. It helps me vent. Then I get a new one :D

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