
How do you get over the guilt of being very confident?

by Guest44866  |  earlier

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I have nothing against other people. I think people should be the best of themselves.

Sometimes I have very little doubt in my abilities to do the things that I'm good at, but it sounds awkward when I say it out loud. Even crazier is how people get "weirded out" when you don't apologize for it. There are things I'm no good at. I'll admit them readily, but no one cares about those things.

I'm an adult but I'd rather not be alienated from my peers nor would I want to pretend to be something I'm not so people can feel better about themselves. Any tips?




  1. set your personal boundaries with the world and be yourself!  enjoy the life of your dreams!  crazy is the word commonly used by those that do not understand the true meaning of happiness... dream, believe, soar and achieve!

  2. Just be yourself in a positive way.  Do not push anything on anybody, whether it be your beliefs or your attitude.  You don't HAVE to boast, if that is what you are doing.   The best way to show who you really are, is by example.  You don't have to say a word, you just have to be the kind of person that people would like to work with and know.    Try not :saying it out loud:,  What are you actually saying?   Are you lauding your achievements, which point out their failures?   There is no need for words.  Your stance, your confidence, your positive attitude will say it all.   Put a smile on your face, be a positive person, ooze positive thoughts, positive attitudes.  If you want people to like you, you have to LOVE yourself.  Do you?

  3. ok, from ur last paragraph where you say "I'd rather not be alienated from my peers nor would I want to pretend to be something I'm not so people can feel better about themselves."

    just don't put people down like if they past their music exam with  merit and their chuffed with themselves, don't say straight up " yeh? well i got a distinction!" coz that will make them feel bad and no one will be impressed by your goofy remark apart from you, because you are so blind sighted  about others that all the focus would be on you because you have the higher makr.

    you seem like the kinda guy that is the bigger man- simple answer is, just let the little guy have a field day. be happy for the accomplishments that THEY have and not yours. and others will do the same,. you will feel cared for and that u are caring for others too.

    and thats how to get over theguilt. by not doing it anymore,  

  4. I have no guilt over being self confident, I don't see anything to be guilty about.  Don't be pushy when you say you know how to do something, because the odds are the whole being weirded out is because they think you're being pompous or a jerk.

    Just tone things down, you don't have to pretend you just relax things a bit.

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