
How do you get over the net and spike the ball if your short?

by  |  earlier

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My coach tells me i have an excellent approach, form, and swing. He says it's probably one of da best on the team. However, i am only 5' 4" nd i have trouble gettin over da net. If i get a 10 ball, i can kill it, but i wanna be able to hit in da front row. any suggestions?




  1. I have played volleyball for 3 years and im 5 ft 1 in. i spike, serve, and set. i suppose maybe your tecnique is a little off.

  2. i am 11 and play with the net @ 7'4" and im 4'8".YOU dont have to get over the net. Just the ball does.

  3. im tall so i dont have this problem. but all i can think of is..... improve you vertical. than you can smash the ball down. i am 5'9'' and i have an amazing vertical. every summer, i do my approach and i can jump higher and higher every volleyball season. the higher i can jump, the harder and better i can spike the ball....

    my advice; put a peice of tape on the wall like 10 inches taller than you are. and jump with your approach and hit that peice of tape over and over again. 50+ times a day. its that is to easy or gets too easyyy... move the tape up.... just jumping will improve your vertical tons.

    jjust keep jumping. *remember when you jump, to bend low and swing ups for more upward momentom upwards.


  4. You and me both. I found what really helped me was pretty much working on my vetical jump, but also make sure ur off the net when you spike, you hit the ball a little higher than the net, with a curve and you will kill it. when it comes to blocking good luck, I could never do that. I'm only 5'2'' and can get my fingers over and thats it.

  5. Work out your core. Then you'll be able to jump higher. So workout your core. And keep practicing that approach!! =]

  6. good approach and great form is essential. good for you. You can hit over the net easier if you ask not to be set tight, ask for a set 5 feet off the net. Just like the 10 ball is easier. However, if you want to hit front row long term, you should work on your vertical. box jumps and bleachers. Concentrate on your jump. Do extra approaches jumping as high as you can. Learn to toss to yourself. Like doing jumpserves but right on the net. that way you can practice on your own. If you do weights, concentrate on squats, lunges(front and side), and cleans.

  7. It's called working out your legs.  Even if you're short you can still have ups.  Get a workout program--trust me, it will help.

  8. you do need to get over the net to hit thats just a fact, you basically are just shooting the ball by putting good spin on it other wise.  Obviously you are at a disadvantage but you can develope a nice leap through plyometric training.  I built my leap to 40 inches in college playing and training on the beach.  Although some of it is genetic I believe anyone can get hops if they work hard.  I recommend a high protein diet, and doing some of the following...

    Jumpsquats with weights, interval running in the deep sand, running up and down sand dunes,  having a training partner make a bridge on hands and knees and taking a volleyball approach and max jumping over him doing three sets of like fifty.  You also want to be training you core as your abs are important in volleyball as well. You need to train hard and search the internet for new ideas or get a trainer, and over the course of a few months you can add anywhere from 4 to 10 inches to your leap.  My entire highschool team was jumping in the mid thirties, and shorter guys tend to jump higher if there in shape so there is hope...

    Playing on the beach will drastically help your indoor leaping but it may mess you indoor game up a little bit, but there is no sport where jumping high is more valuable if you cant jump your no good., unlees you want to be a libero you better pass nails then lol.

  9. thats how tall i am too, but i can get it over the net because i can jump, so try to jump

  10. ok well i think you should work on your vertical. but just because you are short doesnot mean you are unable to hit well.  just hit with alot of topspin and try to get your vertical alot higher. i know this girl  who is kindof short but she can really hit.  Good luck

  11. You do NOT have to get over the net (or say jump higher than the net). You can hit the ball with a curve, and power it over the net to a spot that is hard to bump up by your opponent.

    It is almost as powerful as those straight-down spiking.

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