
How do you get past croc hopper on funbrain?

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    a kid in my class hung himself because he couldnt figure out how to get to croc hopper.

























  3. gfgjcvgbccbbx bbc cvvvcxvvc vccv b cbbhg

  4.  its not even out yet and i heard that funnnbrain is not going to fix it unntil 2017 gese ITS NOT OUT.

  5.  its not even out yet and i heard that funnnbrain is not going to fix it unntil 2017 gese ITS NOT OUT.

  6. This is a dump question how will people know if know is nobody get past croc hopper then you tell us first right or wrong hit your head who those people ask this question is thousand of stupid brains no one will know you tell me first before you ask this question just like if you have lots of homework you have a sister you ask

  7. I need to think n think untill I got the answers of getting thorgh of croc hopper I also think its a very long game to play i wish it could be faster than I'll play it and win it and play the next game but its hard the more hard I think the harder it would be forever end of this year also next year also five year also eight year also fifteen yea also nineteen year also.................haundred year also nine haundred year also.................billion year also five billion also nine billion also............might be forever also this is worse than I thought I'll be for a this year we are alive so good bbye to play croc hopper and croc hopper what you must say ''sorry'' to us for waiting to play croc hopper I wish to play

  8. I think there is no way to keep going throgh the end no one can go thorght!!!!!!!!!!! how sad waaaaaaa........

  9. um to be honest there is no way to get past croc hopper the funbrain company said that there was a virus on the game so they decided not to fix all of yall sound stupid because its 2010 april 7. so get a life and stop lying to pepole because pants8 does not work...just face it THERE IS NO WAY TO GET AROUND IT...DANGGG

  10. um to be honest there is no way to get past croc hopper the funbrain company said that there was a virus on the game so they decided not to fix all of yall sound stupid because its 2010 april 7. so get a life and stop lying to pepole because pants8 does not work...just face it THERE IS NO WAY TO GET AROUND IT...DANGGG

  11. argh. i have no idea!! so annoying right???!!!

  12. you never do that's the point.
    that is sooooooooooooooo stupid but what can we do exceptjust wait and see what is going to happen.

  13. you enter pants8

  14. You play the game three times to get it to work it is so much fun!!!!

  15. its been almost 2 years that it hasn'st been out:(
    i dont think im ever going to funbrain again

  16. its been almost 2 years that it hasn'st been out:(
    i dont think im ever going to funbrain again

  17. thats my question tooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  19. HELP
    Thats my question toooooo

  20. gweujgrfujehgifkjdffhbngtjtyhgdjfhdjhrkds,fjksldxhjfujkfhufkjghfjghjffbhjfhkjhdfjdfgjfgdhghryeetrgvc Go to migrgsahbjsvdjgfbehdmnbrjvhfdjcxh v   bncbjvdhnvcbjmbvhvjdnfvbhjndgbhdbgfvusdhgtyhrfgtfgfgfrg

  21. never

  22. otg 9l5d87f59l,f,

  23. dumb funbrain

  24. it is not coming out wow thats sad.
    come out theres probe with someone.
    scary huh?sorry people but its going to happen.
    so dumb might be ssscccaaarrryyy.thanks

  25. he or she is wrong because it already pasted apirl 27 2008 because it is 2009 so she or he is a dumm person!!!!!

  26. he or she is wrong because it already pasted apirl 27 2008 because it is 2009 so she or he is a dumm person!!!!!

Question Stats

Latest activity: 10 years, 4 month(s) ago.
This question has 26 answers.


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