
How do you get past your limitations?

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I guess I wasn't born being great at anything. In fact, I'm probably not even good at anything despite numerous attempts at stuff. How have you overcome things such as not being good at something that you're really interested in?




  1. I don't even bother trying to be great at anything- that is, not in comparison to other people. I try to push myself to be better and better for MYSELF. I believe that the whole point of living is to love and to learn as much as you can. To be WISE. If I don't try things that push my limits, especially if I am not good at those things, then what's the point? My sister, when she was younger was an award winning swimmer. By the time she hit high school she could have had a full scholarship for college. And we were excited for her that she was doing well. And then she went and did something I thought at the time was crazy. She decided to learn to play volleyball and tried out for the team. Now, it was crazy because she was too short and she had never played before. She worked SO hard. She would come home from practice in tears. But she did make the junior varsity team and then the varsity team. Her team went on to win the league championship. She was never a star player and it was an uphill battle. I used to think it was so crazy that she gave up all the glory she could have had at something she was good at to work hard at something she'd never be good at, but now I UNDERSTAND.

    It's not about how great you are, it's about how you grow as a person. Making the varsity team meant more to her than doing something she was already good at. I, myself, joke all the time that I strive for mediocrity! I like to try new things and I am grateful for experiences that I have. Learning to know yourself and love yourself and push yourself a little are important. Failures are inevitable.

    Failures are also important. All the truly successful people I have known have had two things in common. The first is that they were humble people. The second is that they weren't afraid to fail over and over again. Thomas Edison had hundreds of attempts at inventing the lightbulb. I am sure sometimes he wanted to throw things around and walk away because he wasn't being 'great' at it but I am sure glad he didn't. Being humble means that you don't mind if you fail or have to ask a million questions because you don't get embarassed. Not minding failures means that you won't have a problem trying and trying over and over again until you progress to the point you want to.

    Also, you should really check out getting some of those Tony Robbins  CDs on ebay. That guy is AWESOME for getting people out of ruts. Everyone needs a mental tune up now and then.  

  2. Oh are in so much pain I can feel it.  Just your asking this shows you are so defeated already !  have you had counseling?  You need to find out why you are so down on yourself.

    You are a gift from God.  God does not make junk.!  

    You do your best.  You don't judge it and be so hard on might be misjudging yourself.  people tend to be harder on themselves this you?

    What is it you want to do?    I don't know how to answer you without knowing how old you are and what you are talking about.  If you are saying this and you are a kid...then you have a lifetime of growing up..even as an adult you have a lifetime of growing...

    If you are talking about a a college and do a career counseling session . Those tests can tell you more about yourself than your mother can.

    If you are talking about hobbies....then keep trying.  You learn as you go...and everything in life is hard at first...but you keep trying and learn better and more ways to do things.  

    You just have to have faith in yourself.  

    What are your limitations?  Are you handicapped in some way?  You can do volunteer can get career counseling for that too...

    Your limitations are only by your mind.  Look a the people who are born with no hands and the cook and feed themselves with their feet...or those that are mentally challanged...even they can find something of worth to do...

    Nothing is limiting you but you sweetie.

    Give it your all...most of us aren't great.!  But the greatest heros in the world are those that are good people and are honest and true and don't run away and give up.  They are your parents and those that know and value others as well as themselves.

    Be your own hero....don't give up and don't limit yourself.  If something isn't right...there is something out there that is.  It takes practice and patience and perfecting something that is right for you.  No one has a gift that was just given to them...they work at it.

  3. Very few of us are truly born with a gift like being an artist, or a genius, but many do get good at what they do by practicing and this takes patience and time.  You truly don't think that great soccer players were born that way, do you?  They trained for years and constant training at that.  I didn't know jack about playing piano until I got a tutor to help me and well, with practice I got good at it.  Language -- it took me 6 years to learn French.  Find something you truly want to do and practice and practice. Do not expect instant reward because it will not happen.  I am still trying to learn how to crochet.

  4. Well I think that there are very few people that are actually born with gods given talents. The thing to do is find something you really like and go for it. Practice makes perfect. Even if you are not the best at something that does not mean you should not do it. Most of us end up in jobs that we tolerate because we have no choice and that is it. But if you really have a passion for something learn about what it is you like and keep trying.  


  6. Definitely I have !  It comes with your open mind and how you perceive yourself to be.  You are always so much more than you think you are.

    We are all born with different gifts and talents that are very important.

    I would hope you would get yourself this personalized book I got, that will change your view and concept of your own mind and qualities. I promise you will never see things again the same. This book is written as a devotional book so you can read a couple of pages a day and love every minute of it . Your thoughts of yourself are probably the most important thing in your life. this book is written from a personal and very tried and true person. I have all of his books and Cd's also. It is powerful !

    Get this personalized book with your own name throughout the book, and see what a change you experience in your personal life. Your precepts will guide your life in every area.  You deserve a good life so you must pursue information that brings you that confidence in who you are and who you are meant to become.  We are all becoming something ! Feed your mind positive thoughts about yourself, and everything else will change.

    I highly recommend this personalized book for you and anybody else interested in becoming something greater and more powerful in their own life. I have experienced a big change in my own precepts and

    expectations.  It's a great experience to learn more about who you are!

    I got my book at the link below in the source line. Blessings as you pursue the best life for YOU possible. You can do something for yourself so get started now. I would not want to be without my own book and to know what it has done in my own life. Change your thoughts and change the world around you .

  7. ... your not alone... almost everyone can't find that one thing that they are head over heels better at than everybody else... I havent found it yet... but this is how i got pass it... Accepting it. As simple as that. Just, sort of, give up worrying about it and start accepting the fact that your not LeBron James or your not a rocket scientist or not Barack Obama... Accept who you are, then I guarantee you that your limitations won't bother you anymore. Im the black sheep in my family so i know how you fee. I bet when you stop letting this bother you, you'll find what your good at. That's how it works sometimes.

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