
How do you get people from knocking on your door?

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How do you get people from knocking on your door?




  1. FIRST: go to the store, buy a 2500 feet of rope, 4 bottles of pepper-spray, 4 barbie dolls, a can of red paint, a board(4ft. by 1ft.), a long string that reaches from your front door to your couch.

    SECOND: wrap the rope around your house as mant times as possible and tie it tight.

    THIRD: put 2 bottles of pepper-spray on each side of your door at eye height.

    FOURTH: cover the barbie dolls in the red paint and tie them on your door.

    FIFTH: tie the rope above the bottles of pepper-spray and lead the string to your couch. if you tie the string just right you can hold the board up by until you pull the string.

    SIXTH: when someone comes to knock on your door, if they still want to after seeing the dolls, pull the string the board falls spraying them in the eyes with pepper-spray. the police report will appear in the news paper and everyone will know not to knock on your door!

    ~Good Luck=]

  2. You can't.  It's and inconvenient obstacle/annoyance that we all must face.  Or put up a "trespassers will be shot sign..."

  3. Leave bloody hand and footprints on the front step.

  4. Get rid of your door.

  5. Wear a pentagram, an athiest t-shirt and give your same s*x friend a big smooch when you answer the door.  Alternately, invite them in and offer them a beer, especially if its early in the day.

  6. this sounds funny but im serious. buy like a bunch of signs like "beware of dog" and "no soliciting"

  7. A big dog.

  8. Things I've done to bug the c**p out of them, because they bug the c**p out of me:

    -Let my big dog bark and slam into the door when they rang the doorbell.

    -If it's a religious group, either explain why I'm atheist in huge, long monologue or start speaking in "tongues".

    -Tell them I've just started my period and having the worst cramps imaginable and cannot speak to them.

    -Let them ring the bell, go up to my door, look at them from the windows that run the side of my door, and wave at them, but never answer the door. They get really creeped out if you keep staring too.

  9. A door bell.

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