
How do you get points?

by  |  earlier

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how do you get points on yahoo i only have 110 points




  1. You have to answer questions and vote on undecided questions. Im not bothered by points, I only answer or vote if I think its a good answer. Have fun !!

  2. Answer questions to get 2 points, get best answers for an additional 10 points, vote for best answers to get 1 point.  Don't ask questions as the cost you 5 points.

    Good luck

  3. You get a point for signing in everyday...

    You get two for answering questions,

    You get ten for choosing a best answer when you ask one..

    But they do subtract points when you ask questions.

    Here's the chart.

  4. ok see, here is how it all works....

    u know? u already wasted 5 points by asking this question!! but anyways--do ur best and reach other levels.

    ok: when u answer a question, u earn 2 points! yay you....and sometimes u answer a question in such a good way and it would be chosen as the BEST answer by voters,asker,or yahoo community. when one of ur answers is chosen as a best answer, u get 10 whole points!!

    here is the points table ((click da link)):

  5. Look for the best questions The ones you have and know the answers to give your very best answer and if it's good enough for the person who ask the question they will hook you up with 10 points just for having such a good answer good luck oh and by the way you can give other people points too!!! don't forget lol')

  6. keep answering peoples questions on different categories

  7. Answer questions.

    Vote on answers.

    Give good answer to try to get best answer.

  8. you have to keep answering peoples questions to get points for every question u anwer u get 2 points

  9. That's all already been covered in the documentation already posted on this Yahoo website here >>>

    Points and Levels = +  +  + 
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