
How do you get political leaders to support a cause that you deeply care about? AIDS funding and drugs?

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I read from a book that people will interrupt political leaders campaign and speeches. For Aids epidemic years ago, demonstrators and activists threw blood stained money on the stage while Al Gore's speech. They did this several times but he just blew ift off saying...Don't you love free speech? What is your opinion or reaction to this? Any personal stories?




  1. Cheap stunts will do nothing but make those politicians less likely to be receptive to what you have to say.

    Another thing to remember is that - to most people - you are nothing more than just another special interest group.  And frequently the goals of special-interest groups are not aimed at the best interests of all.

    For example - in the 1980s those same aids activists who were demanding more money were also demanding that the standard STD (Sexually Transmitted Disease) control measures not be applied to AIDS.  This is one of the major factors that hindered the ability of the public health agencies to limit the spread of the disease.

  2. U.S. political office holders only do what the money pays them to do, so you need to be able to supply them with millions of dollars each to get them to do what you want.

    they are only interested in getting in office again, for the free ride.

    which takes money.

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