
How do you get popular at school?

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How do you get popular at school?




  1. Popularity aside - one good thing to know as a teen and as you are trying to establish yourself:  Think about who you admire and want to be like - and then behave that way.  Do you admire flirty girls?  girls that smile alot when they talk?  girls that seem confident?  You can be who you want and how you want.  Adults do this all the time.  Want that promotion?  Act like you already have it, etc.  This will not turn you into someone else but help you to be the YOU you want to be.

  2. always asked myself that :O

    I wasnt popular at ALL in 1st year but then i imporved my confidence and self esteem.Tbh, i focused on myself more than anyone else,coz when u accept urself more,you seem to attract more...yano? em... I have loadsa friends now..I just focused on wat I liked and then started talking to others about my interests.Theres a good few people who didnt get me but those who did,became my friends.The people that care are the ones that dont matter and the ones that do dont. in other words, the ones who dont care are ur friends bcoz they accept who YOU are,and those who do are the ones who'll waste ur time and try 2 change who u are. U have to learn 2 push yourself too.... like.... just go up to someone and say hi, pay them a compliment and avoid potential questions that people can answer with a short yes or no...think of topics that spark interest!

  3. well you kinda have hang with the popular possy to get to be popular like me my best friend dated everyone boy in the school just about.popular? now all the people in the school know her name. i am not telling you to date every one but telling you to don't be shy be more open and make conversation with many people in school and watch how fast everyone knows you

  4. be more social

  5. It's all about personality! You can't teach personality!

  6. You shouldn't worry about such shallow things like popularity.

    It doesn't really matter, it might seem like it does but it doesn't.

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