
How do you get promoted in retail?

by  |  earlier

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From 2003 to 2005, I worked at OfficeMax, and I thought I had everything a store manager and district manager could want; I had a college degree, a clean cut appearance, and I went above and beyond day in and day out, and never called in sick. But I got passed over for people who didn't work as hard, in fact one of them should have been fired not promoted, because he didn't work as hard, and had attendance problems.

Worst of all, when I asked my store managers and district manager, instead of saying "This is what you're not doing..." they would just dance around the question or say, we're just not ready to promote you and walk away.

In the end, I just decided that since they don't care about me, I won't care about them, and in the end I was the one who was fired. Was i just a victim of office politics?




  1. Having worked in retail businesses for a number of years, you must have done something to sour them on you or your potential. It would be pure speculation as to what. Retailers are dying for performance-oriented people, so if that's what you really are, you should be able to find another position easily. But it would be helpful to get some feedback from your current company (maybe after you've departed?).

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