
How do you get rid of 3 Raccoons??

by  |  earlier

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LOL thanks ker!!!




  1. Geez, who invited them over for a 3some!!

    Get your son and his band to practice in the back yard...

    after a couple of days the racoons will hopefully look for peace and quiet...somewhere else

  2. They're a bit greasy but they taste good. Haven't had any for over thirty years cause I hate killing things. Otherwise call animal control. Odds are you have one an they can be released into the wild

  3. go outside with a large knife and tell them you need some fur skins to make hats with, that'll scare them off.

  4. oh man, smells like you are going to have some trouble haha.

    my solution is to call the city animal control, they tend to get rid of them in a humane way. cage em and set them free somewhere wild.

  5. Oh and there I wz kloooking for a  :)

    pmsl ....snizz, run arond and catch

  6. hire a trapper

  7. get a hold of them and send them some to some wild service or  something

  8. Shoot them in the face! Or get my Betty to poison them...

  9. box them and send them to L.A.

    well whistle at them while your running around with dye on your head..

    SM...i love youuuu

    you have rats too...eww

  10. When we first moved to our home, I would wake up every morning to trash in the yard... it drove me nuts.. haha.. finally, I stayed up half the night watching out the window and caught the culprit.. a family of racoons.. they had figured out how to open my "locking" trash cans... so, we quit using those cans for food trash (haha only the used kitty litter).. and bought a different style locking trash can at Dollar General of all places for $10.. problem solved, they couldn't figure out how to get in them and without a food source, they went away.. now they're my neighbor's problem! :)  

  11. get some fly spray out! :P


    I think S-M's planted these in your garden to keep you indoors. That way you'll have to stay here talking to him.

  13. get yourself a pet haggis and keep it out in

    the yard, the raccoons won't want to mess

    with that, it would tear them to bits.

    whats wrong with you honey, i done

    nothing wrong,,, ok, i'll leave shall i

    (( TAXI ))

    HEY,, who's the rat, anyhoo i like rats.

  14. Don't get rid of them, Raccoons are cute!  They look like little bandits.  Well, maybe they are dangerous too, I'd be worried about rabies and other diseases.  I think you can call animal control and they will handle it?  

  15. call animal control

  16. shoot 'em up

  17. 1) Create  apile of food next to your house

    2) Move it Two feet away

    3) Each day move it two feet away, until it is easily away from your house.

    4) For another two weeks, keep the food there, but then make it less and less, until there is only one section left, then make it go vamoosh!

    5)The raccoons will then be away from your home, and look for food away from your home, because their food source was farther away from your home.

  18. gun

  19. remove all sources of food from around your house.  

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