
How do you get rid of IN- LAWS?

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How do you get rid of IN- LAWS?




  1. you have to move to another state and see them only once a year.

    alternatively, you could buy a shot gun (joking, i dont advise that)

  2. are you kidding.

    You can't get rid of them

    They're your family now so you should probably try to get along with them, maybe form a relatonship

  3. Put them in a crate marked Fragile and ship them to Alaska

  4. dee-vorce. after that no in-laws. lol

  5. Ask them to go.

  6. I let my husband deal with them :)

  7. if you're your inlaws l;ive in east coast..move in west coast lol

  8. You can't. Sorry

  9. You married into that family, therefore became part of that family.  Although if you have problems with them, discuss it with your husband, it can be handled by him and kept to a minimum so that you, your husband, and kids(if you have any) are first and foremost in your lives, because that is all that should really matter the most.  

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