
How do you get rid of Moles?

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How do you get rid of moles? They are constantly burrowing just underneath the surface of my lawn.....and leaving ridges where they have been.




  1. Get a mole cat maybe,not pole cat !

  2. Something about mole control.

    I understand that they really like chewing gum and when the gum gums them up, the moles expire. Nasty!

    Their penchant for tasty earthworms is what keeps them just under the grass where the worms do their work leaving their castings.

  3. I wish I knew the answer to that. Poison peanuts work so so.  The best thing I have found is if you can ever get you a "mole catching" cat or dog.....hang on to it.  Works best in the world.  I have tried setting traps and everything.  They sure have me whipped.


  4. You can either have them surgically removed, or they can do it with lasers.  The laser treatment is real easy and is painless.

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