
How do you get rid of Spider Veins!?

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I'm only 22, and i'm not in bad shape at all. I have nice, semi-muscular but still soft calves and I noticed today i've already got those little purple spider veins showing.

A friend said it could be because I sit all day (I have an office job and a long commute, I spend most of my time sitting). I do a vigorous cardio class twice a week, so im not completely sedentary.

Is there anything else that could cause those little veins so young? And most importantly : HOW DO I GET RID OF THEM!!?!??




  1. You can go to your doctor and he will inject them, and they will go away. It doesn't hurt it's a very small needle.

    The only way to prevent them is to wear support hose.

  2. I have them and I am very active in my job and home life.  It's hereditary.    The ONLY way to get rid of them...and I checked on this myself...was saline injections through a doctor.  They will do as many as they possibly can for a certain amount of $$ per visit.  You may need more than one visit.  Health Insurance does not cover it because it is considered cosmetic.  

    I would google "spider veins doctor and your home state to see where this procedure is done.  The cost is going to floor you.  About 6 years ago when I called it was $150 a visit!!!

    The worst part of that is....they can and usually do come back.   (My sister's did)

    Sorry I can't be more encouraging but it's a curse a lot of women have.

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