Yesterday me and my family went swimming in our pool, and there were about five to six wasps that were coming in and out getting a drink from the water. Usually they don't bother us because all they want is a drink. But five or six of them, and we could barely enjoy ourselves because they are persistant little boogers! I tried splashing them to get them to go away, but they were insistant in getting their drink and hanging around the deep end of the pool.
Is there a way to keep them away from the pool? If there is a nest, it may be in the neighbors yard, or somewhere in the alleyway, but I do know there is no nest in our yard. Is there something we can put around the yard near the pool to keep them from coming around while we swim?
Can a "pest control" company do any good on this matter? I just don't see how they can, but if anyone has any tips, or advice on this matter, please help! We would like to enjoy our pool this summer without the fear of getting stung.
Thank you!