
How do you get rid of a corn ?

by  |  earlier

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I have a corn, and I think corns are disgusting . I hate corns . What can I do to get rid of my corn ? Can a podiatrist refuse to remove it ?




  1. A podiatrist would not refuse to remove it, unless you have no insurance and no money. If you go to one who has a private practice without a huge ad in the Yellow Pages, he should give you 15% off.

    First I would try Dr. Scholl's.  You know that yellow aisle in the drug store, that's all Dr. Scholl's stuff, and it's all good stuff. Try the corn-removing stuff from Dr. Scholl's.

    Good luck!  They're not that digusting!  :)

  2. You can give it to a squirrel

    They love it !

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