
How do you get rid of a fear of the dark?

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It's not like I can't sleep in a dark room. It's hard to explain but like when you get used to the dark you can see some of the stuff in the room. I can sleep when my sight gets like that. But if I am like too tired to walk and I can't keep my eyes open long enough for my sight to get like that then I have to have night light. Suggestions?




  1. Use a night light. Sounds childish, but hey it works. I still sleep with one :D hehe

  2. try not to think about the monster under the bed

  3. Don't be afraid of the dark. Be afraid of what's in the dark. If there's nothing in the dark that will frighten you then you shouldn't be afraid of the dark.

  4. how old are you?   if ur young its normal but if ur like 23 then you should take sleeping meds or somethin

  5. You become the darkness.

  6. You could buy those glow in the dark stars to put on your walls and ceilings or buy a lamp that dims.

  7. face your fear.

    when i was little i saw the movie "Witches" and was afraid to go out into the kitchen at night by myself.  I was thirsty and so, i sprinted in there as fast as i could, got a cup of water and got out of there as fast as i could.  then, i eventually realized that there really weren't witches out there and if there was, they would have gotten me already.  

    just try to talk yourself through it.  What is it about the dark that upsets you?  Are you afraid of ghosts or monsters?  figure out what it is that you are afraid will happen in the dark and then find a reason why being afraid of the dark is unneccessary.  once you really think about it and then find the courage to face your fear.... you may be able to get past it.  good luck.

  8. Well, it's more of being afraid of what's IN the dark rather than of it.

    Your eyes play tricks on you, and whether or not you notice it, you're probably EXPECTING to see things and therefore are afraid of the things that your imagination creates out of normal inanimate objects.

    So when you see things (except of course if it is something that should really be feared, like an armed robber, perhaps) know that you mind is creating them from ordinary things and you shouldn't be afraid!

    Hope that this helps!  

  9. stop being such a baby.

    step one would be get potty trained.

    step two eat big people food.

    step three get out of the crib.

    step four turn 5.  

  10. i was scared of the dark....... til i was like one !!!! just embrace it

  11. Don't watch scary movies or play with a Ouija board for at least 2 years! Also, slowly force yourself to be in dark places, even if it is for a few seconds, then a couple minutes, and so on...

  12. use a night light trust me i sleep in the dark and i know what you mean. just close your eyes or cover your face with the balankets and trust me you will be fine =)

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