
How do you get rid of a headache fast?

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How do you get rid of a headache fast?




  1. Well I get extremely bad migraines every month.

    This is my way of getting rid of them:

    1) Take either two panadeine forte (prescription painkillers) OR 2 Dolosed/Mersyndal/Fiorinal (I am in Australia)

    2) Get a wet washer and cover your eyes and the side of the head that hurts.

    3) Lie in a dark room with the washer over your eyes. Lie down with the sore side of your head on the pillow.

  2. Take a few ice cubes, bundle them up into a facecloth and hold it onto your head.

    Or lie down in a darkened room with a cold cloth on your head

    Give yourself a gentle scalp massage

    Last resort?  Advil


  3. Panadol

  4. 800 mg (4 tabs) of Ibprofen usually does it for me!  

  5. Tylenol fast relief

  6. if your hot then , get in a cooler enviorment or take a panadole but i'm guessing you already know that because every one does and your trying to figure out a home remdey or sumthing if thats the case. Then drink WATER

  7. I've found that I get headaches more often if I don't drink enough water. Hydration really does reduce headaches significantly, and you may be experiencing one DUE to dehydration.

    If not, 3 Advil will do the trick. That's usually my last resort when it comes to headaches.

  8. panadol and some rest XD

  9. Take 2 x 500g paracetamol tablets and drink at least a cup of water, (for adults, over 12yrs) lie down in a dark quiet place.  If it is a headache related to muscle pain, like neck or back then put a heat pack on the area for 20mins or surrounding areas for 10 min periods.  If it's because you are sick and have a temperature then have a tepid bath/shower or apply wet washers to your head and neck area till your temperature subsides.  Take paracetamol every 4-6 hours (8 tablets a day only) as directed.  See your doctor if you are still in pain or go to the hospital if pain gets worse.

  10. Advil Liquid capsules, or sleep.

  11. advil

    please answer my quesion :);...

  12. Drink lots of water & take a pain-killer:-)

  13. Asides of all the pain killers everyone just told you about.  Alot of headaches are caused by dehydration, so have a massive drink of water.

  14. I usually find the pulse in my wrist and using pressure, rub it in a circular motion firmly. This causes a higher rate of bloodflow which tends to ease the headaches. Follow that with a couple of iboprofen and the headache should be gone in about half an hour.

  15. Concentrate on even breathing. Apply peppermint oil on your temples. Take 3 Tylenol with caffeine whether it be soda or coffee... try it in combination with ibuprofen sometimes helps... massage your forehead.. put a cold moist towel on your forehead turn out lights lie down for a bit. Eat a quick carbohydrate dense snack.. drink lots of water!! : )  

  16. Nurofen? Or if you wanna be more natural, used Lavender oil, rub it onto your temples.

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