
How do you get rid of a pathological liar to leave me alone?

by  |  earlier

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this is the same question about pregnancy, she wont leave me alone. what should i d, without hurting her feelings?




  1. Ignoring people or being rude will generally only make them worse and pursue you more. Your girlfriend is looking for something from you whether it be attention or just to know you care. ignoring her will only drive her to try harder. People don't lie about such things without a reason, people might not accept her reason but she has a reason and you need to ask her what that reason is. Maybe there's another problem she's trying to deal with or something else shes trying to hide. Being and honest and open with her whether it hurts her feelings or not is the only way to deal with these kind of situations, tell her you think she's lying and give her the chance to explain why she did so and then decide whether you still want to split. If you do you need to tell her to her face and give her a reason, the reason may be obvious to you and people reading this but won't be so obvious to her. everyone needs closure and being left hanging will only hurt her more.

  2. If you ignore someone long enough they will go away.

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