
How do you get rid of a psycho boyfriend who violates restraining orders?

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How do you get rid of a psycho boyfriend who violates restraining orders?




  1. If there is a valid restraining order against him, and he is violating this order, then call the police immediately.  

    Have him arrested for the violation.

    Don't delay. This will only give him more time to commit more violations.

  2. Get a shotgun.

    If he breaks into your house shoot him, tell the cops it was self defense.

  3. buy a gun.... and I'm serious.

    you don't want to be a victim of a pyscho!!!!!  I've seen it too much on t.v. lately where pregnant girlfriend or wife is missing and the only suspect is the husband or boyfriend who looks guiltier than sin!!!!!  

  4. I don't know that there's much you can do except be prepared if he crosses the line.  Yes, I'm suggesting you buy a gun and get yourself trained on how to use it.  Taking the other option, assuming that government will be there to protect you, doesn't sound too appealing to me.

  5. If he violates a restraining order, call the police.  They will come and get him and he's going to jail.  The law doesn't fool around with domestic violence and won't hesitate to bag him.  The order was made clear to both you and him.  Since they can't have a cop outside your window 24 hours a day, you have to make the call and report him. He doesn't think you are serious if he keeps showing up and you do nothing.  Eventually, the order will be dropped and the judge will want to know why you never reported him violating it.  You won't get another one.

  6. I agree withe lawdog. I urge you to not engage him in any manner whatsoever by phone, speaking - at all.  Block his phone number.  If he calls you from another phone,hang up the phone the second you hear his voice.  Don't tell him not to call, just hang up.

    If he shows up around you, pick up the phone, call the police and tell them about your restraining order.  Have a copy handy, in case they need to see it.  Do not speak to your stalker or warn him you're calling the police.  Just do it and stay inside, away from him, or in a public area.

    The main thing to remember is don't speak or communicate with him in any way whatsoever.  You're simply adding fuel to this stalking fire.  Call the police every single time he violates the restraining order.  I would also keep a calendar and list the times he's stalking you, and what you did-call the police and the outcome.

    You may need that if you have to go back to court.  Good luck and be strong.  You'll get through this.

  7. Call Guido .

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