
How do you get rid of a stuffy nose very quickly?

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Help! My allergies are back as it is ragweed season. My nose is stuffy and runny and I have to blow my nose every fifteen minutes. Tomorrow, I am going on an hour long trail ride, but I won't be able to go because I can not blow my nose while I'm riding. Any cures? Help!




  1. A drink of hot water, lemon and honey helps me.

    Also, there are nasal sprays you can use that'll help. Or you can try breathing in the fumes from tea tree oil.  

  2. Breathe in through your mouth and try to slowly breathe out your nose if possible. When I start to notice my nose getting stuffed I do this for a few minutes and it always stops it from getting completely stopped up.

    I breathe in through my  nose naturally now, and have not had a stuffy nose since I started a couple of years ago. It sounds quacky, but it does work for me. Perhaps you will need a different method.

  3. Sniff eucalyptus essential oil.  Use a defuser to spray it into the room you are in.

    Elderberry flower or elderberry itself as a cordial or tablets ake any cold or catarrh go quickly.

    If you can't get the essentiall oil then you can get olbus oil that is also very good.


  4. Benadryl

  5. Drinking hot blackcurrant helps! Also holding your face over a bowl of hot (not boiling) water can help unblock your nose. Also, put vapor rub on your pillow before you go asleep but don't smother the pillow or your hair will stink of it! You can also get cold and flu capsules/tablets which help so take one before you go and take some with you, they usually start working after 20 minutes and after you blown your nose the once you don't need to for an hour! Hope i helped! Good luck and have fun x

  6. This only works temporarily, but a taking an antihistamine such as Claritin and using a nasal spray such as Afrin will make everything work perfectly for about 12 hours.  You can keep taking the Claritin, but if you use Afrin more than once or twice in a 2-day period, it causes things to get worse, but its great for an important occasion like your trail ride.  

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