
How do you get rid of a sty?

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I woke up and my eye lid was hurting,i realized it was a star,but then it started getting swelled.So today it look like somebody knocked me out its swolle.I know its a star though.So can someone please give me some advice on this.What can help,and what can't?




  1. Warm soaks as much as you can, until it comes to a head. Then it will drain. You may want to put some neosporin on it to prevent infection.

  2. i have heard that you rub it with an 18 carat gold ring. seriously!!!

  3. Baby shampoo    (helps gently clean the sty works really well)

    A warm damp tea bag

    a penny (i know sounds weird but I'm pretty sure it works)

    I know my one friend had a sty and it never went away...if this happens get it treated b.c she didnt and it was pretty gross lol. Good luck.

  4. Put a warm washcloth over it, it will help relieve the pain and help it come to a head faster.  Once it has come to a head, it will start to drain and it will heal sooner.  I get them all the time, they're annoying.  Hope this helps.

  5. A star? I get stys all the time. What always works for me is to take a warm wash cloth and hold it on my eye each night before bed and it goes down over a few days. Once I went to the hospital and my doctor, this is gross but true, she flipped up my eye lid, took a q-tip and pressed it and it basically popped like a pimple, there wasn't even pain. That's what I would try and if a warm compress doesn't work, you might have to have an injection to get rid of it. :/ Try the compress and if it doesn't go down, contact your doctor. Good luck.

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