
How do you get rid of a throbbing volcanic pimple?

by  |  earlier

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well, i just had my first massive volcanic eruption on my chin, of all places, and i didn't have any pimple medication on hand. i called a friend and he said try to put toothpaste on your pimple to dry it out; but it only made it worse. then another friend said, try noxzema and leave it on overnight; again to no avail. i went to the drug store and couldn't find any pimple medication without salicylic acid in it which i'm extremely allergic to. so i went home and looked in the bathroom cabinet to see what i can apply to the ever growing volcano. neosporin + pain relief. neosporin + pain relief? hmmmm neosporin kills bacteria right. my volcano has bacteria. well, i dabbed a little bit of neosporin on the tender volcano. dang, it worked. i don't know how but heck it worked. so what gets rid of your pimples?




  1. i use Neosporin for my eruptions, too. Amazing! Great minds think alike.

  2. Preparation H.  Think about it!

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