
How do you get rid of acne caused by stress?

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i break out so badly during the school year form stress.

and homecoming is in less than a month so i really need my face to be clear...

i have a line of products i use and they work just fine over the summer when i am not stressed out about college and applications, and school itself.

other than stress less which really isnt much of an option for me what can i do other than what i am already doing?




  1. use the old fashioned way go to sleep on time and after your done with

    your homework take  a little nap but before that wash your pores a little

    to help

  2. 1) Cook oatmeal and apply on face for fifteen minutes and wash.

    2) Make a warm bath with blanch of nettle and rosemary.

    3) Apply equal amount of lemon juice and rose water with a cotton ball and wash it after haif an hour for 15 to 20 days.

    For dozens of more ways, prevention, types and reasons check

  3. You really should try to stress less.  It may not sound like an option, but I live a pretty stress free life even though it's busier then most peoples lives.  You have to go about your day really just not caring.  Sounds stupid but it works.  

    Having stress can cause a lot of hormonal problems that lead to your acne


  5. your are stessing over your skin which is making your skin worse, its a bad pattern there.

    I know this sounds weird but have you ever considered hypnotherapy? that would help you alot into controlling your thoughts on stress. Also, tell your teachers about it. Is the school stressful for a particular reason? is it homework or other folks in your class? Get a note pad and each day write out what has stressed you for that day. See a trusted school teacher about this and also ask them for help with college applications. What ever it is  that stresses you make sure you make plans to fix it if you can as stress can snowball and get worse and really mess up your way of thinking in school and sociallising. Finally, do you take a time out to unwind after school, perhaps do some sports such as swimming which would also help your acne? Tell your doctor too about stress its important he knows its an emotional response.  

  6. relax

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