
How do you get rid of bees and wasps under your home?

by  |  earlier

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Lasr summer we had some bees and wasps living under our home, I would like to know waht some good ways are to get rid of them? please help!?!?




  1. place a glass of orange juice accross the street. . .  .the bees will be attracted to the sugar in the juice,try to drinkit ,and then drown. . . . . . problem solved

  2. Bad smelling stuff.  Ammonia got them out of my garage.  They have very sensitive noses.  If it's under your house make sure that what you use is not dangerous or flammable.

    Perhaps ammonia isn't for you.  Use something stinky and soak it and put it under the house.  Use a bug bomb for fleas or whatever.  That should do it.  Don't over do it and do check to make sure the area can handle it.  There is usually a phone number on the container call that and see if that would work for your situation.  How large is the space under your house ?   Check at your local Lowe's or Home Depot.  They can help you.  If all else fails you'll need to hire someone.  Look under Bees in the Yellow pages of your phone book.

    Good luck.  It's a nasty situation.

  3. Tag, AXE, or another flammable spray. And a lighter. FWOOOSH! no bees, its dangerous though b careful

  4. I'm thinking calling those people who spray/get bugs outta you homes.

  5. Orkin!  They are my life-savers every other month!

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