
How do you get rid of blackheads?

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I have some small blackheads on my noise, and they are really annoying. How do I get rid of them?




  1. You need to exfoilate with this once a week - it works like a DREAM!!!

    Look or ask for sea salt exfoliating salts... you pick the essential oil scent you want added / how nice! It's cheap like $4 and they ship worldwide cheap.

  2. i use mary kay products it does really help it also get rid of little pimples i just wash my face twice a day once in the mrning and once in the evening and it does wonders within a day trust me! hope this helps :)

  3. Biore nose strips are a must, exfoliating, and putting your face over a bowl of boiling water  to open up your pores.  

  4. For me I bought this tool that you presure the blackhead it comes out but there are alot of these strips but trust me they dont work to get rid of blackheads the proper there will be pain also to stop blackheads from preventing eat lots of fruits and also if your hands are dirty or greesy dont touch your nose hope I helped best of luck!

  5. This should help for blackheads. Rub oatmeal paste on face,leave it to dry for 15 minutes and scrub well before washing off with cold water.  Check out for more useful tips to control blackheads.

  6. First, soak your face with a hot washcloth until your pores are opened. Then, wash your face with an exfoliating wash to clean out the clogged pores.

    Dont pick at them.

    Its hard to get rid of them - but thats the best way.  


    This works amazingly! I used to have the same thing on my nose!

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