
How do you get rid of brown June bugs?

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I have a problem most prominently at dusk and when the wind is settled out at our country home surrounded by fields. We built this house 3 yrs ago. and ever since brown June bugs have become a manisfestation around all of the circumference of the roof/eave troughs of the house and are very much an annoyance especially when they try landing on you. What is it that is attracting them to this house? There are flood/security lights on each back corner of the house, but they don't come on until it's dark if the June bugs or something else contributes to this. I'd love a simple easy answer of what to do with this problem, instead of having to call an exterminator. HELP please??




  1. we used to get them all over the entire neighbourhood.. all you could really do is wait it out, they're usually only around for a short while..

    june bugs usually only come out in droves at dusk, so that's normal.. they might not be attracted to the house so much as they are just all over the place in your area, like they were in mine..

    if you think they might be nesting in or around your house I'd call your local exterminator and see if they can help you get rid of them :) chances are most of the 'home remedies' aren't that good..

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